Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Reflections of Presentations

Hello Everyone,
I took some notes during the presentations on Saturday on what I appreciated about them, and wish I could have seen more of. See below:

1. Scotti's Presentation
I liked Scotti's presentation because he showed how SL can be used to make learning hands on. I think that he really exemplified the contstructist approach to learning, that makes SL such a great commodity in education. i think that his overall idea is wonderfl, and the breakdown of steps will really help students improve their literacy skills.
Elizabth M.

2. Marie's Presentation
Mani's Jamestown Island has always been my favorite place to visit. Through all my frustrations with SL, I am always still impressed with the way itcan be used to recreate RL settings for learning purposes.
I think that she did a wonderful job explaing how the mission of the island, and the different resources they have located here that help enhance learning.

3. Barbara's Presentation
Barbars provided all of us with some great resources to connct SL with education. I am always impressed with her networking skills, as she always seems to know how to find the right and people and places to acquire the best tools. I am also always impressed with her enthusiasm for SL, which is exemplified through her knowledge and dedication to teaching SL to others.
I tought that her presentation was great, just like her library is great.

4. Trixie's Presentation
I think that Trixie's project really exemplifies how SL can be used to prepare students for RL situations by providing them with the kinds of resources they would never have in RL. I think back to our article on Gaming that we recently read, in which the author talks about how games (VWa) can be used to prepare students for "system thinking" and creative problem solving.
I only wish that her presentation consisted of some images or examples. 4. Trixie's Presentation